It’s wise to be able to keep the people covering the mage alive, plus the Group Heal also works on the mage casting it. Your favorite tank companions can run interference so you can cast your spells. Where it might seem that a “tank” wouldn’t need this, I had her as a team player. I’ll make a separate post for that because I’m mainly discussing the vanilla game in this one. I only played a true Arcane Warrior with a Mod because I got tired of the animation where they forever take the weapon out, put it away, take it back out, etc. This allowed her to use the Blood Dragon set, mainly for the additional 50 to health, but there are other armors out there which can help boost your physical resistance if you don’t happen to have the Blood Dragon set. Race: Elf (elves begin with +2 Willpower and +2 Magic – source: Dragon Age Origins manual.)Īrcane Warrior – One level. She always traveled with a full group and sometime more than a full group because I used the Extra Dog Slot mod. This wasn’t because I was sending her out alone or with one person. Her contribution to party damage was 52% at the end of the game.

She was the one who earned me the “Heavy Hitter” achievement (inflicting 250 points of damage in a single hit) as well as “I’m Kind of a Big Deal” for getting through the game without being killed. This was specifically made to get through the game and cross into Awakenings. I created this mage after going through the entire game with several different builds to earn Achievements. (The only mods were Extra Dog Slot or cosmetic – different hair, “armor dye,” more hair colors, etc.) Strategy and tactics will be different on harder modes.) When I get bored with Easy and advance I’ll make other posts. I tend to play on Easy (okay … I’m a wimp… but that’s important to know.

These tactics may not work at all for a console player.

I do know two people who play on the PS3 but my experiences are solely on the PC version of the game. I don’t know anyone who plays this on XBOX so I can’t speak for them. PS3 players must rely more on their combat tactics because they don’t have that option. PC players are able to pause in the middle of combat, swing the camera around for new views, select targets, and order the characters to do something when you unpause the game. Please note: Playing DA:O on the PC and on the PS3 / XBOX can be a totally different experience. I can’t swear this is going to work for everyone, but I decided to make some posts sharing my class building experiences. Some of them have been absolutely useless to me, others have wiped out an entire screen on Easy difficulty. Through much trial and error as well as gathering the various achievements (trophies to the console players), I’ve found some spells are more useful than others. Other Classes and NPCs / Detailed Information on Equipment used and how to get it.